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Album Types

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Album Types

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Album Types


You can choose between several albums types in STGThumb, on the main screen.


The following types are currently available:

Classic: The main album is a grid of thumbnails (with optional titles, picture data, etc). When a thumbnail is clicked, the picture will open in another window (default) or in the same window (Open Images in New Window off, in HTML Configuration).


Vertical Frame: The main album page has a vertical frame to the left with the thumbnails, and the larger picture on the main frame. When you click on a thumbnail, it shows in the main frame. If you click on the picture on the main frame, it opens on a new window. An HTML page is generated per image.


Horizontal Frame: The main album page has an horizontal frame to the bottom with the thumbnails, and the larger picture on the main frame.

When you click on a thumbnail, it shows in the main frame. If you click on the picture on the main frame, it opens on a new window. An HTML page is generated per image.


Lytebox: Identical to the Classic Album, but if Javascript is enabled in the viewer's album, photos will be displayed in a frame opened in the same page, using Lytebox, and including buttons for Previous/Next image as well as captions.


On all album types, please note that you can choose Copy Original Files to Destination Folder and Resize Copies in Convert Options. By using that option, you can create very small thumbnails and medium sized pictures in a single step, avoiding the large sizes of high-resolution pictures.